Apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents to solve 7^−3. The answer should not contain any exponent expression or decimals.

I think the answer is 1/7^3.
Please someone help me. I don't understand it.

To apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents, you need to flip the base and convert the exponent to a positive number.

For example, if you have 7^(-3), you would apply the property by flipping the base to get 1/7 and changing the exponent to a positive number, resulting in (1/7)^3.

So, the answer to 7^(-3) using the Property of Negative Integer Exponents is (1/7)^3.

To solve 7^−3 using the property of negative integer exponents, we can rewrite the expression as 1/7^3.

Okay, let me explain the property of negative integer exponents. When a number is raised to a negative exponent, it means that we need to take the reciprocal of the number raised to the positive exponent. In other words, if we have a^−n, it is equal to 1/(a^n).

So, to solve 7^−3, we rewrite it as 1/(7^3). Now, let's simplify it further.

To calculate 7^3, we multiply 7 by itself three times:
7^3 = 7 × 7 × 7 = 343

Therefore, 1/(7^3) = 1/343. This is your final answer.

I hope this explanation helps!

To solve 7^−3 using the property of negative integer exponents, we can rewrite it as a fraction with a positive exponent. The property states that a negative exponent of a number is equal to the reciprocal of that number raised to the positive exponent.

So, to solve 7^−3, we can rewrite it as 1/7^3. The reciprocal of 7^3 is 1/7^3.

To understand why this is true, let's break it down:

7^3 means 7 multiplied by itself three times: 7 × 7 × 7.
1/7^3 means 1 divided by 7^3: 1 / (7 × 7 × 7).

When we divide by a number, we can think of it as multiplying by its reciprocal.

So, 1 / (7 × 7 × 7) is the same as 1 × (1 / (7 × 7 × 7)).

Now, we can rearrange the order of multiplication and simplify:

1 × (1 / (7 × 7 × 7)) = 1 / (7 × 7 × 7).

Since there is no exponent expression or decimals allowed in the answer, the simplified answer for 7^−3 is 1/343.

Therefore, 7^−3 = 1/7^3 = 1/343.