Apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents to rewrite 9−^23 as an expression with positive exponents only

To apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents, we simply move the base with the negative exponent to the denominator and change the sign of the exponent to positive.

So, rewriting 9^(-23) as an expression with positive exponents only, we get 1/9^(23) or (1/9)^(23).

To apply the property of negative integer exponents, we can rewrite \(9^{-23}\) as follows:

9^{-23} = \frac{1}{9^{23}}

This is because a negative exponent means we take the reciprocal of the base raised to the positive exponent. In this case, we took the reciprocal of \(9^{23}\) to get \(\frac{1}{9^{23}}\). Therefore, \(9^{-23}\) can be rewritten as \(\frac{1}{9^{23}}\) with positive exponents.

To apply the property of negative integer exponents, we can use the rule that states:

a^(-n) = 1 / (a^n)

Using this rule, we can rewrite 9^(-23) as:

1 / (9^23)

So, the expression with positive exponents only is 1 / (9^23).