Apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents to solve 3−4 . The answer should not contain any exponent expression or decimals.(1 point)

The property of negative integer exponents states that for any nonzero number x and negative integer n, x^n = 1/x^(-n).

Applying this property to the expression 3^(-4), we have:

3^(-4) = 1/3^(4)

Therefore, the answer is 1/81.

To apply the property of negative integer exponents, we will rewrite the given expression in fractional form.

The property states that for any non-zero number "a",

a^(-n) = 1/a^n

In this case, we have 3^(-4). Using the property, we can rewrite it as:

1 / (3^4)

Now we can calculate the value of 3^4:

3^4 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 81

Substituting this value back into the expression, we have:

1 / 81

Therefore, the solution to 3^(-4) is 1/81.

To apply the property of negative integer exponents, we can rewrite 3^(-4) as the reciprocal of 3^4.

First, let's calculate 3^4:

3^4 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 81

Now, taking the reciprocal of 81 gives:


So, 3^(-4) is equal to 1/81. Therefore, the solution to 3^(-4) without using any exponent expression or decimals is 1/81.