What was the Ancestral Puebloan’s most notable achievement?

(1 point)

cliff dwellings
cliff dwellings

Southwestern design
Southwestern design

canoe building
canoe building

igloo building

cliff dwellings

What is a tradition of Pacific Northwest indigenous people that still survives today?

(1 point)

bison hunts
bison hunts

canoe journeys
canoe journeys

igloo building
igloo building

sandstone designs

canoe journeys

What is an Inuit religious belief?

(1 point)


human sacrifice
human sacrifice


sun worship


The Ancestral Puebloans' most notable achievement was the construction of cliff dwellings.

The Ancestral Puebloans, also known as the Anasazi, were Native American tribes that lived in the southwestern region of the United States. They had several notable achievements, but the most well-known one is their construction of cliff dwellings.

To confirm this answer, we can do some research. The easiest way is to use a search engine like Google. Simply enter "Ancestral Puebloan achievements" or "Anasazi achievements." This will bring up various sources that discuss their accomplishments.

Clicking on credible sources like academic articles, museum websites, or reputable history websites will provide more detailed information on their achievements. These sources often provide explanations and evidence to support the claim that the Ancestral Puebloans' most notable achievement was the construction of cliff dwellings.

By consulting multiple sources and cross-referencing the information, we can gain a clearer understanding of the Ancestral Puebloans' achievements and verify that cliff dwellings were indeed their most notable accomplishment.