Use the additive inverse to find -362.89 - (-543.24)

To find the difference between -362.89 and -(-543.24), we can use the additive inverse.

The additive inverse of a number is the number that, when added to the original number, results in zero. For any number a, its additive inverse is -a.

In this case, the additive inverse of -543.24 is 543.24.

Therefore, -362.89 - (-543.24) is the same as -362.89 + 543.24.

Adding these two numbers together, we get:

-362.89 + 543.24 = 180.35

So, -362.89 - (-543.24) is equal to 180.35.

Determine the distance between -14.22 and -3.74 on a number line.

1 point

To determine the distance between -14.22 and -3.74 on a number line, we need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

In this case, -3.74 is the larger number and -14.22 is the smaller number.

|-14.22 - (-3.74)| = |-14.22 + 3.74|

Performing the addition:

|-14.22 + 3.74| = |-10.48|

The absolute value of -10.48 is 10.48.

Therefore, the distance between -14.22 and -3.74 on a number line is 10.48.

Hence, the answer is 10.48.

Subtract 28 - (-12)

To subtract 28 - (-12), we can use the additive inverse of -12, which is 12.

Therefore, 28 - (-12) becomes 28 + 12:

28 + 12 = 40

So, 28 - (-12) is equal to 40.

what is 16 1/6 + 5/6 - 7 - 4?


To simplify the expression 16 1/6 + 5/6 - 7 - 4, we first need to convert the mixed number 16 1/6 to an improper fraction.

16 1/6 = (16 * 6 + 1) / 6 = 97/6

Now we can rewrite the expression as:

97/6 + 5/6 - 7 - 4

Combining the fractions, we get:

(97/6 + 5/6) - 7 - 4
= 102/6 - 7 - 4
= 17 - 7 - 4
= 10 - 4
= 6

Therefore, 16 1/6 + 5/6 - 7 - 4 simplifies to 6.

Which context describes a difference of rational numbers?

1 point
You earn money from a part-time job.
A football player gains yards on a play.
A climber descends down a cliff.
You earn points during a round of a game.

A difference of rational numbers would be described in the context of earning money from a part-time job.

Which of the following is a real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 58 + (-29.95)?

1 point
Sammy earned $58 at his part-time job. He then spent $29.95 on a new video game.
Sammy spent $58 on a video game after he earned $29.95 at his job.
Sammy spent $58 on a video game, then he spent $29.95 on junk food.
Sammy earned $58 at his part-time job, then made $29.95 after selling his video game to a friend.