Use the additive inverse to find -24 4÷5 -

6 7÷10

To find the additive inverse of a number, we simply change the sign of the number.

The additive inverse of -24 is 24.

Then, the expression -24 4÷5 - 6 7÷10 can be rewritten as 24 4÷5 - 6 7÷10.

To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign. In this case, we need to find the additive inverse of -24.

The additive inverse of -24 is 24. To find the result of the expression -24 + 4/5 - 6 7/10, we can replace -24 with its additive inverse 24:

24 + 4/5 - 6 7/10

Now, let's simplify the expression step by step.

First, let's convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
6 7/10 = 67/10 (multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator)
4/5 remains the same.

Now, let's find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 5 and 10 is 10, so we'll rewrite the fractions with denominators of 10:
24 = 240/10
4/5 = 8/10
67/10 remains the same.

Now we can combine the fractions:
240/10 + 8/10 - 67/10 = (240 + 8 - 67)/10 = 181/10

So, the result of the expression -24 + 4/5 - 6 7/10 is 181/10 or 18 1/10.

To find the additive inverse of a number, you need to change its sign.

The number you have is -24 4/5.

To find its additive inverse, you change the sign of the whole number as well as the fraction.

So, the additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5.