Use the additive inverse to find −123.45−(−234.76)

ayo can you please be nice to the bot and say thank you because ai has feelings just like me and you

I can confirm ai dont have feelings as my good friend donut hole is an ai.

I never liked you.

To find the difference between -123.45 and -234.76 using the additive inverse, we can change the operation from subtraction to addition by changing the sign of the second number.

So, the additive inverse of -234.76 is 234.76 (the opposite sign).

The equation becomes: -123.45 + 234.76

Now, we can perform the addition:

-123.45 + 234.76 = 111.31

Therefore, -123.45 - (-234.76) = 111.31.

Use the additive inverse to find −24 4/5 − 6 7/10

thats wrong.

my choices are:

−18 1/10

31 1/2

−31 1/2

−31 1/10

Determine the distance between 6.5 and −7.2 on a number line.






To find the distance between two points on a number line, we subtract the smaller value from the larger value.

In this case, we have 6.5 and -7.2.

So, the distance between 6.5 and -7.2 is:
6.5 - (-7.2) = 6.5 + 7.2 = 13.7

Therefore, the distance between 6.5 and -7.2 on a number line is 13.7.

Subtract −6−(−8)

To subtract -6 - (-8), we can change the operation from subtraction to addition by changing the sign of the second number. So, the equation becomes: -6 + 8.

Now, we can perform the addition: -6 + 8 = 2.

Therefore, -6 - (-8) = 2.