which of the following conditions is required for accomodating employees who are also nursing mothers

The condition that is required for accommodating employees who are also nursing mothers is:

1. Providing a private and sanitary space – Employers must provide a designated space, other than a bathroom, that is clean and private for nursing mothers to express breast milk. This space should be shielded from view and free from intrusion by coworkers or the public.

2. Reasonable break time – Employers must provide reasonable break time for nursing mothers to express breast milk. The break time must be provided each time the employee needs to express milk, typically during the first year after the birth of the child. The frequency and duration of breaks may vary depending on the employee's individual needs.

3. No retaliation – Employers cannot retaliate against employees who choose to express breast milk at work. They cannot punish or discriminate against employees in any way for exercising their rights as nursing mothers.

4. Communication and support – Employers should communicate policies regarding nursing mothers to employees, and provide support and information about available resources for breastfeeding employees. This can include providing educational materials, offering lactation support programs, or connecting employees with lactation consultants or breastfeeding support groups.

It is important for employers to comply with these conditions to ensure the needs of employees who are nursing mothers are accommodated and to promote a healthy work environment.

The condition required for accommodating employees who are nursing mothers is the provision of appropriate facilities and policies that support breastfeeding.