Indicate which methods, activities, sources and educational media will be used when teaching about Reading book as a whole class with teacher, identifying the sequence of events and the setting. N.B Should support the objectives of the lesson. Teachers

is (including classroom management aspects) Learner’s activities (including the content that supports the lessons objectives)
Teachers activities.

- Method: Whole class instruction

- Activities:
1. Pre-reading discussion: The teacher leads a discussion about the importance of identifying the sequence of events and the setting in a book. The teacher asks questions and encourages students to share their thoughts and prior knowledge.
2. Read aloud: The teacher reads a book or a passage aloud, modeling fluency and proper expression.
3. Guided practice: The teacher guides the students in analyzing the sequence of events and identifying the setting in the book. The teacher may use graphic organizers or anchor charts to support the students' understanding.
4. Independent practice: The teacher provides students with a different book or passage, and students work independently to identify the sequence of events and the setting.
5. Sharing and discussion: The teacher facilitates a whole class discussion where students share their findings, ask questions, and discuss their interpretations.
- Sources:
1. Books or passages that have clear sequences of events and well-defined settings.
2. Graphic organizers or anchor charts for visual support.
- Educational media:
1. Interactive whiteboard or projector to display books or passages.
2. Online resources or apps that provide interactive activities or quizzes to reinforce the concept.
- Classroom management aspects: The teacher ensures that students are engaged and actively participating in the activities. The teacher provides clear instructions, monitors student behavior, and provides feedback and support as needed. The teacher also encourages collaboration and respectful communication during the whole class discussion.

To teach about reading a book as a whole class, identifying the sequence of events and the setting, here are some methods, activities, sources, and educational media that can be used to support the objectives of the lesson:

1. Method:
Whole-class instruction and discussion

2. Activities:
a) Pre-reading:
- Brainstorming session: Encourage students to share their prior knowledge and experiences related to the topic of the book.
- Predicting activity: Ask students to make predictions about what they think will happen in the story based on the cover, title, or blurb of the book.

b) During-reading:
- Read-aloud: The teacher can read the book aloud to the class, modeling fluent reading, and pausing to discuss important events and details.
- Think-pair-share: After certain chapters or sections, have students turn to a partner and share their thoughts, questions, or connections to the text.
- Guided reading: Divide the class into smaller groups and assign different sections of the book to be read independently. The teacher can rotate among the groups, guiding discussions and clarifying any confusion.

c) Post-reading:
- Sequencing activity: Provide students with a set of events or key plot points from the book and ask them to organize them in the correct order.
- Graphic organizers: Use graphic organizers, such as story maps or timelines, to help students identify and analyze the sequence of events.
- Class discussion: Facilitate a whole-group discussion where students can share their interpretations of the setting and compare their understanding with their peers.

3. Sources:
- The book itself: Select a suitable book that aligns with the lesson objectives and the age/grade level of the students.
- Supplementary reading materials: Provide additional reading materials related to the book's theme or setting that can support students' comprehension and engagement.

4. Educational media:
- Visual aids: Use pictures or illustrations related to the book's setting or events to support students' understanding and visualization.
- Digital resources: Utilize interactive online platforms, e-books, or educational apps that provide additional information or activities related to the book.

Teachers' activities:
- Introduce the book: Provide background information about the book, its author, and the importance of understanding the sequence of events and setting.
- Facilitate discussions: Ask thought-provoking questions, encourage active participation, and mediate discussions during pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading activities.
- Provide feedback and guidance: Offer constructive feedback on students' contributions, provide clarification, and guide students in their understanding of the sequence of events and the setting.
- Assess learning: Assess students' comprehension through informal observations, class discussions, and any assigned tasks or assessments.

Learners' activities:
- Engage in brainstorming sessions and share prior knowledge.
- Make predictions about the story based on the book's cover or title.
- Actively listen during read-aloud sessions and take notes.
- Participate in think-pair-share activities and discuss the text with peers.
- Read assigned sections independently and participate in guided reading discussions.
- Organize events in the correct sequence through sequencing activities.
- Fill out graphic organizers related to the setting and events.
- Engage in whole-class discussions, sharing interpretations and comparing understanding with peers.