Indicate which methods, activities, sources and educational media will be used. N.B Should support the objectives of the lesson when teaching about addition ang subtraction in grade R. Learner’s activities (including the content that supports the lessons objectives)

Some methods, activities, sources, and educational media that can be used when teaching about addition and subtraction in grade R include:

1. Whole-class discussion: Engage students in a discussion about addition and subtraction. Use visual aids, such as number lines or manipulatives, to support their understanding. Encourage students to share their ideas and strategies.

2. Hands-on activities: Provide students with manipulatives, such as counters or linking cubes, to practice addition and subtraction. Have students physically group or separate the objects to understand the concept of adding and taking away.

3. Worksheets: Use worksheets with simple addition and subtraction problems. Include both numerical questions and visual representations of objects to cater to different learning styles. Allow students to work independently or in pairs to solve the problems.

4. Online interactive games: Incorporate educational websites or apps that offer interactive games for addition and subtraction. These games can be engaging and reinforce the concepts being taught.

5. Storybooks: Introduce storybooks that involve addition and subtraction concepts. Read the stories aloud and discuss the mathematical concepts embedded within the narrative. Ask students questions throughout the story to encourage their understanding.

6. Online videos: Show educational videos or animations that explain addition and subtraction concepts in a visually appealing way. Pause the video at key moments to discuss and reinforce the learning.

7. Number talks: Engage students in number talks, where they discuss different strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. Encourage students to explain their thinking and listen to their peers' perspectives.

8. Flashcards: Use flashcards with addition and subtraction equations. Have students practice solving them independently or play games in pairs or small groups to reinforce their understanding.

9. Real-life examples: Use everyday scenarios to demonstrate addition and subtraction. For example, ask students to count the number of objects in a given situation and then subtract or add objects to find the total.

10. Peer collaboration: Encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to solve addition and subtraction problems. This allows for peer learning and the opportunity to discuss different strategies and approaches.

By incorporating these methods, activities, sources, and educational media, the lessons on addition and subtraction in grade R can support the objectives of developing mathematical skills and understanding.

When teaching about addition and subtraction in grade R, the following methods, activities, sources, and educational media can be used to support the lesson objectives:

1. Methods:
a. Direct instruction: The teacher explains the concepts of addition and subtraction using clear and simple language.
b. Demonstration: The teacher demonstrates how to perform addition and subtraction with concrete objects or visuals.
c. Guided practice: The teacher provides support and guidance as students practice addition and subtraction problems.
d. Independent practice: Students solve addition and subtraction problems on their own to reinforce their understanding.

2. Activities:
a. Manipulatives: Students use counters, blocks, or other objects to physically demonstrate addition and subtraction.
b. Number line: Students use a number line to visually understand the concept of adding and subtracting numbers.
c. Word problems: Students solve word problems that involve addition and subtraction to apply the concepts in real-life scenarios.
d. Games: Engaging educational games can make learning addition and subtraction fun, such as using interactive online games or board games.

3. Sources:
a. Textbooks: Grade-appropriate math textbooks can provide structured lessons, examples, and practice problems for addition and subtraction.
b. Worksheets: Worksheets with varying levels of difficulty can be used for individual or group work.
c. Online resources: Educational websites, apps, and videos can provide interactive lessons and additional practice opportunities.
d. Teacher-created materials: Teachers can create their own materials, such as flashcards or task cards, to cater to the specific needs of their students.

4. Educational media:
a. Visual aids: Using visuals like charts, diagrams, or pictures can help illustrate addition and subtraction concepts.
b. Multimedia presentations: Slideshows or videos that explain addition and subtraction visually and verbally can enhance students' understanding.
c. Interactive whiteboards: Teachers can use interactive whiteboards to engage students in interactive activities and demonstrations.
d. Online simulations: Virtual simulations or manipulatives can provide a hands-on learning experience for students to explore addition and subtraction concepts.

The learner's activities should be aligned with the content that supports the lesson objectives. This could include practicing addition and subtraction problems using manipulatives or worksheets, solving word problems, participating in educational games, and engaging with online resources or multimedia presentations.