Indicate which methods, activities, sources and educational media will be used when teaching about letter "nk" in grade 1. N.B Should support the objectives of the lesson. Teachers

is (including classroom management aspects) Learner’s activities (including the content that supports the lessons objectives)
Teachers activities.


- Direct instruction: The teacher will explicitly teach the letter "nk" by explaining its sound and showing examples of words that contain the letter combination.
- Multisensory learning: The teacher will incorporate different senses in the lesson by using visual aids, such as flashcards or posters with the letter "nk" and words, and by having students practice saying words that contain the letter combination.
- Peer collaboration: The teacher will facilitate opportunities for students to work together and practice saying words with the letter "nk" in pairs or small groups.

- Word sort: The teacher will provide a list of words with and without the letter "nk" and students will categorize them accordingly.
- Word building: The teacher will give students letter cards and they will be asked to create words using the letters, including the "nk" combination.
- Read-aloud: The teacher will read a book or a passage that includes words with the letter "nk", and students will listen and identify the words.
- Writing practice: Students will be given a worksheet or whiteboards to write words that contain the letter "nk".

- Phonics worksheets: The teacher will provide worksheets that focus on the letter "nk" and its sound. These worksheets may include activities like matching words to pictures, fill in the blanks, and word search puzzles.
- Children's books: The teacher will use children's books that include words with the letter "nk" to provide contextual examples during read-aloud sessions.
- Online educational platforms or apps: The teacher may use interactive websites or apps that offer games or activities related to phonics and the letter "nk".

Educational media:
- Flashcards: The teacher will use flashcards with words that contain the letter "nk" to visually reinforce the lesson.
- Posters or anchor charts: The teacher may create posters or anchor charts that display the letter "nk" and words that contain it, which can be referred to throughout the lesson.
- Videos or audio recordings: The teacher may use instructional videos or audio recordings that pronounce words with the letter "nk" to provide audiovisual support to students.


1. Phonics: Teach the sound /nk/ and how it is represented in words.
2. Visual aids: Use pictures and flashcards to reinforce the concept of the letter "nk."
3. Reading: Provide reading materials that contain words with the letter "nk" such as books, stories, and worksheets.
4. Writing: Give writing activities that focus on words with the letter "nk" to reinforce spelling and letter formation.

1. Phonics drill: Begin the lesson with a phonics drill where students practice saying the /nk/ sound and identifying words that contain it.
2. Word sort: Provide a word bank of words with "nk" and have students sort them into different categories (e.g., "nk" at the beginning, middle, or end of the word).
3. Word hunt: Give students a worksheet or activity where they have to search for words with "nk" in a text or word search.
4. Partner work: Pair students up and have them take turns spelling words with "nk" using magnetic letters, alphabet tiles, or whiteboards.
5. Reading practice: Provide reading materials with words containing "nk" for students to practice their decoding and fluency skills.
6. Writing task: Assign an activity where students have to write sentences using words with "nk" to reinforce spelling and sentence structure.

1. Phonics curriculum: Utilize a phonics program or curriculum that includes lessons on the letter "nk."
2. Children's books: Use books that have words with "nk" to engage the students and make the learning experience enjoyable.
3. Worksheets: Provide worksheets that focus on the letter "nk" for additional practice and reinforcement.
4. Online resources: Access interactive websites or apps that offer activities and games centered around the letter "nk."
5. Visual aids: Create or find visual aids such as posters, flashcards, or word walls displaying words with "nk" to support learning.

Educational media:
1. Videos: Incorporate educational videos or animations that showcase words with "nk" to enhance understanding and engagement.
2. Interactive whiteboard activities: Use interactive whiteboard software or apps to engage students in hands-on activities related to the letter "nk."
3. Digital games: Introduce educational games or apps that focus on learning words with "nk" to make the learning process fun and interactive.
4. Audio recordings: Play audio recordings of words containing "nk" for students to listen and identify the sound.

Classroom management aspects:
1. Set clear expectations: Establish rules and expectations for participation, listening, and behavior during the lesson.
2. Engage students: Use various teaching methods and resources that involve students actively in the learning process to maintain their interest.
3. Monitor student progress: Keep track of individual student progress through observations, assessments, and guided practice.
4. Provide feedback: Give constructive feedback and encouragement to students throughout the lesson to motivate and support their learning.
5. Address individual needs: Differentiate instruction and provide additional support to students who may be struggling with the concept of the letter "nk."