Please write or type the definitions of each word below.


Central ideas -

Evidence -

Subheadings -

Supporting details -

Central ideas - The main points or key concepts in a text that summarize its main message or theme.

Evidence - Facts, data, or information that supports or proves a claim or statement.

Subheadings - Headings or titles within a text that divide it into smaller sections and provide a preview of the content within those sections.

Supporting details - Specific pieces of information, examples, or facts that further explain or provide evidence for a main idea or claim. These details help to strengthen and support the main points of a text.

Central ideas - Central ideas refer to the main points or themes that are being conveyed in a text or discussion. They summarize the main focus or purpose of the content and provide a framework for understanding the information presented.

Evidence - Evidence refers to the information or data that is used to support or prove a claim or statement. It can take various forms, such as statistics, facts, examples, expert opinions, or anecdotes. Evidence is crucial in building a strong argument or providing credibility to ideas.

Subheadings - Subheadings are headings that are used to divide and organize the content within a larger piece of writing, such as an essay or report. They help to structure the text and make it easier for readers to navigate and understand the different sections or topics being discussed.

Supporting details - Supporting details are the specific pieces of information, examples, or explanations that are provided to back up or strengthen a main idea or claim. They provide further context and evidence to support the central ideas and help to clarify or expand upon the main points being made.