Please write or type the definitions of each word below.


Central Idea - __________________________________________________
Summarize - ______________________________________________________

Summary - _________________________________________________________

Central Idea - The main or most important point or theme of a text, speech, or piece of writing.

Summarize - To briefly and accurately retell or recount the main points or key details of a text or event.

Summary - A concise and focused overview or synopsis of the main points or key details of a text or event.

Central Idea - The main point or message that the author is trying to convey in a piece of writing. It is the most important theme or concept that the entire text revolves around.

Summarize - To briefly explain or describe the main points or ideas of a text or document in a concise and condensed manner. It involves extracting key details and presenting them in a shorter form without including unnecessary information.

Summary - A brief and condensed version of a longer piece of writing or speech. It captures the main ideas, key points, and essential details, while omitting non-essential information and examples. A summary aims to give a concise overview of the original text.