Please write or type the definitions of each word below.


Central ideas -

Supporting details -

Topic -

Central ideas - the main or most important points or concepts in a piece of writing or communication that provide the overarching theme or focus.

Supporting details - specific pieces of information, evidence, or examples that help to explain, develop, or prove the central ideas or claims in a piece of writing or communication.

Topic - the general subject or main idea of a piece of writing or communication; what the text is primarily about.

Central ideas - The central ideas are the main points or themes that the author wants to convey in a text. They are the core concepts or arguments around which the entire text revolves.

Supporting details - Supporting details provide additional information, evidence, examples, or explanations to support and strengthen the central ideas or main arguments in a text. They help to add depth and credibility to the main points.

Topic - The topic is the subject or main idea of a text. It is the specific subject matter that the author focuses on and discusses throughout the text. The topic can be a broad or narrow concept and can encompass various subtopics or aspects.