Use long division to convert 345 to a decimal.

us long division

Here is the long division process to convert 345 to a decimal:

345 | 1.000 (Quotient)
- 0
34 (Remainder)
- 34
100 (Quotient)
- 99
100 (Quotient)
- 99
100 (Quotient)
- 99
100 (Quotient)
- 99
100 (Quotient)
- 99
10 (Quotient)

Therefore, 345 expressed as a decimal is approximately 1.000.

To convert 345 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write down the number 345 as the dividend (the number you want to convert to a decimal).
2. Choose the number you want to divide the dividend by. In this case, choose 10 as the divisor since we want to convert to a decimal.
3. Perform the division by dividing the first digit of the dividend (3) by the divisor (10). The quotient is 0, and the remainder is 3.
4. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (4) to the right of the remainder, making it 34.
5. Divide the new number (34) by the divisor (10) again. The quotient is 3, and the remainder is 4.
6. Bring down the last digit of the dividend (5) to the right of the remainder, making it 45.
7. Divide the new number (45) by the divisor (10) again. The quotient is 4, and the remainder is 5.
8. Since the dividend is now smaller than the divisor, we can stop dividing.
9. Write down the resulting decimal as the quotient, followed by a decimal point. In this case, the quotient is 0.345.

Therefore, 345 as a decimal is 0.345.