joey walked east for 15 2/3 meters from home. Then, he walked west for 21 3/4 meters. How far was Joey from home? Write your answer as a mixed number only.(1 point)

To find out how far Joey is from home, we need to determine the distance he walked east and then subtract the distance he walked west.

Distance walked east = 15 2/3 meters
Distance walked west = 21 3/4 meters

To simplify the fraction 2/3, we can divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (3).

2 ÷ 3 = 0 remainder 2

So, 2/3 can be written as 0 2/3.

The mixed number for the distance Joey walked east is 15 0 2/3 meters.

To add the whole numbers and fractions together, we convert the fractions to have a common denominator.

3 and 4 are both denominators, so the common denominator is 12.

2/3 can be converted to 8/12 by multiplying the numerator (2) by 4.

0 2/3 can be converted to 0 8/12.

Adding the whole numbers, we get:

15 + 0 = 15

Adding the fractions, we get:


Now, let's find out how many whole numbers (whole meters) are in the fraction 8/12.

Since 12 ÷ 12 = 1, we know there is 1 whole meter in the fraction.

Therefore, Joey walked a total of 15 + 1 = 16 meters east.

To simplify the fraction 8/12, we can divide the numerator (8) by the denominator (12).

8 ÷ 12 = 0 remainder 8

So, 8/12 can be written as 0 8/12.

The mixed number for the distance Joey walked east is 16 0 8/12 meters.

To simplify the fraction 8/12, we can divide the numerator (8) by the denominator (12).

8 ÷ 12 = 0 remainder 8

So, 8/12 can be written as 0 8/12.

The mixed number for the distance Joey walked west is 21 0 8/12 meters.

Now, let's subtract the distance Joey walked west from the distance he walked east:

16 meters east - 21 meters west = (16 - 21) meters = -5 meters

Since Joey walked west more than he walked east, the result is a negative distance.

Therefore, Joey was -5 meters away from home.

However, since the question asks for the answer as a mixed number only, we can convert -5 meters to a mixed number:

-5 can be written as -5 0/1.

Therefore, Joey was -5 0/1 meters from home.

Which situation describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0?(1 point)


A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 10,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 10,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?

A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?

A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then ascends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then ascends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?

A plane ascends to 10,000 feet and then ascends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?

The situation that describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0 is:

A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?

To find out how far Joey is from home, we need to calculate the difference between how far he walked east and how far he walked west.

Joey walked east for 15 2/3 meters and then walked west for 21 3/4 meters.

First, let's convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

15 2/3 meters = (3 * 15 + 2) / 3 = 47/3 meters
21 3/4 meters = (4 * 21 + 3) / 4 = 87/4 meters

Now, let's subtract the distance walked west from the distance walked east.

47/3 meters - 87/4 meters

To subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 12.

(47/3 * 4/4) - (87/4 * 3/3)
= (188/12) - (261/12)

Now we can subtract the fractions: 188/12 - 261/12 = -73/12

So, Joey is 73/12 meters away from home.

To write the answer as a mixed number, we divide 73 by 12:

73 ÷ 12 = 6 with a remainder of 1

Therefore, Joey is 6 1/12 meters away from home.