Why did early Native Americans most likely need to irrigate their crops?(1 point)


Water was scarce and rainfall was not plentiful enough for many crops to grow naturally.

There was too much rainfall

Water could only be found on plateaus in the Southwest.

Native Americans had not yet domesticated livestock.

Water was scarce and rainfall was not plentiful enough for many crops to grow naturally.

Which is a reason conquistadors came to New Mexico?(1 point)


To make allies with the Native Americans

They got lost on their way to the English colonies

In search of gold and riches and to convert Native Americans to Christianity

To bring new plants and livestock to the continent

In search of gold and riches and to convert Native Americans to Christianity

What was one outcome of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?(1 point)


Spanish rule ended in the area until 1692

The Spanish defeated the revolt before it started

The Spanish worked with the Pueblo to compromise and find a solution

The Pueblo and Apache tribes worked together to drive the Spaniards to California

Spanish rule ended in the area until 1692

8. What were at least two reasons that it was difficult for New Mexico to become a state? Write your response in at least 2-5 complete sentences.(5 points)

There are several reasons why it was difficult for New Mexico to become a state. Firstly, the majority of the population in New Mexico consisted of Hispanic settlers who had a different language, culture, and traditions than the Anglo-American settlers in the Eastern states. This created a cultural and language barrier between New Mexico and the rest of the United States, making it harder to integrate and assimilate. Secondly, New Mexico's remote location and lack of infrastructure made it challenging to establish effective transportation and communication networks with the rest of the country. This hindered economic development and slowed down the overall progress of the territory. Additionally, the presence of Native American tribes and their territorial claims posed challenges to the establishment of solid boundaries and governance within the territory. All these factors contributed to the barriers New Mexico faced in its journey towards statehood.

When did New Mexico become a state?(1 point)


January 6, 1913

October 12, 1952

January 6, 1912

March 5, 1912

January 6, 1912

New Mexico is a minority-majority state.(1 point)


