The French and Indian War was a battle between Britain and France over the Ohio River Valley. Why did Native Americans become involved in the War?

(1 point)

Native Americans wanted to adopt European lifestyles.
Native Americans wanted to adopt European lifestyles.

Native Americans wanted to protect their way of life.
Native Americans wanted to protect their way of life.

Native Americans wanted to encourage more settlements in North America.
Native Americans wanted to encourage more settlements in North America.

Native Americans wanted to expand their empires.
Native Americans wanted to expand their empires.

Native Americans wanted to protect their way of life.

Native Americans wanted to protect their way of life.

The correct answer is: Native Americans wanted to protect their way of life.

During the French and Indian War, Native American tribes were drawn into the conflict because they saw it as a threat to their territories and their way of life. Both the British and the French sought alliances with various Native American tribes in order to gain their support in the war. The Native Americans understood that the outcome of the war would determine who controlled the lands in North America, including the Ohio River Valley, which held great importance for their hunting and trading activities. Therefore, they joined the war on different sides as a means of protecting their territories and preserving their way of life.