Which one of the risk factors that influence your health may be the most difficult for you to control as a young teen?

(1 point)

Do you exercise every day for 60 minutes?
Do you exercise every day for 60 minutes?

Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships?
Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships?

Do you brush your teeth every night before bed?
Do you brush your teeth every night before bed?

Do you see a doctor for regular check-ups?

Do you see a doctor for regular check-ups?

As a young teen, one risk factor that may be the most difficult for you to control is developing healthy and supportive friendships. While you can make efforts to exercise every day for 60 minutes, brush your teeth every night before bed, and see a doctor for regular check-ups, your friendships are influenced by the actions and choices of others, making it harder to fully control this factor.