1.1.8 - Quick Check: Factors Affecting Overall Health

Health And Physical Education 8 Q1 / 1. Understanding Your Health / 1.1. Factors Affecting Overall Health

Your life expectancy can be related to the overall well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people.
(1 point)


1.1.8 - Quick Check: Factors Affecting Overall Health

Health And Physical Education 8 Q1 / 1. Understanding Your Health / 1.1. Factors Affecting Overall Health

Which side of the health triangle corresponds with developing friendships through communication?
(1 point)

physical health
physical health

mental and emotional health
mental and emotional health

social health
social health

none of the above

social health

1.1.8 - Quick Check: Factors Affecting Overall Health

Health And Physical Education 8 Q1 / 1. Understanding Your Health / 1.1. Factors Affecting Overall Health

Which of the following habits will help you stay on the “wellness end” of the health continuum?

(1 point)

staying up too late and not getting enough rest

staying up too late and not getting enough rest

going on a calorie-limiting diet

going on a calorie-limiting diet

jogging regularly with friends

jogging regularly with friends

going to the movies

jogging regularly with friends

There are several factors that can affect your overall health. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Physical well-being: This relates to your physical fitness and includes factors such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, and body weight. Engaging in regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a healthy weight are important for maintaining good physical health.

2. Mental and emotional well-being: This pertains to your mental and emotional state. It involves managing stress, having a positive outlook, and maintaining good mental health. Practices such as mindfulness, stress management techniques, and seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can contribute to your mental and emotional well-being.

3. Social relationships: Building and maintaining healthy relationships with others is important for overall health. Social connections provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and can help reduce stress. Engaging in healthy communication, spending time with loved ones, and participating in social activities can contribute to your overall well-being.

4. Environmental factors: Your physical environment, such as air and water quality, access to green spaces, and exposure to toxins, can impact your health. Living in a clean, safe, and healthy environment can have positive effects on your overall well-being.

5. Genetic factors: Your genetic makeup can also influence your health. Some medical conditions and predispositions to certain diseases can be inherited. Understanding your family medical history and working closely with healthcare professionals can help manage and minimize the impact of genetic factors on your health.

It's important to note that these factors are interconnected and can influence each other. Taking a holistic approach to your health by addressing these different factors can help improve your overall well-being and life expectancy.

Possible responses could include:

- True: Your life expectancy can be influenced by various factors, such as the state of your physical health, mental well-being, and social connections with others. These factors all contribute to your overall health and can have an impact on your longevity.
- False: Your life expectancy is not affected by the overall well-being of your body, mind, and relationships with others. This statement is incorrect as there are numerous studies and research that suggest these factors play a significant role in determining an individual's life expectancy.