A scuba diver is 75 feet below sea level. She then ascends 12.7 feet. What is the current depth of the scuba diver?(1 point)


The current depth of the scuba diver is 75 - 12.7 = 62.3 feet.

Micah is making a cinnamon and sugar mixture to sprinkle on toast. His recipe uses 1/8 cup of cinnamon and 1/2 cup of sugar. Find 1/8+1/2 and interpret this sum in the context of the problem. (1 point)

To find 1/8 + 1/2, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 8 and 2 is 8.

1/8 + 4/8 = 5/8

In the context of the problem, this means that Micah needs a total of 5/8 cups of the cinnamon and sugar mixture for his toast.

To find the current depth of the scuba diver, you need to subtract the ascent of 12.7 feet from the initial depth of 75 feet.

Current depth = Initial depth - Ascent

Current depth = 75 feet - 12.7 feet

Current depth = 62.3 feet

Therefore, the current depth of the scuba diver is 62.3 feet.