A scuba diver is 75 below sea level. She then ascends 12.7 feet. What is the current depth of the scuba diver

The current depth of the scuba diver is 62.3 feet below sea level.

To find the current depth of the scuba diver, we can subtract the ascend distance from the initial depth.

The scuba diver is initially 75 feet below sea level. When she ascends 12.7 feet, she is moving in a positive direction, so we add the ascend distance to the initial depth.

Therefore, the current depth of the scuba diver is:

75 feet - 12.7 feet = 62.3 feet below sea level

To find the current depth of the scuba diver, we can subtract the ascended distance from the initial depth.

Initial depth of the scuba diver: -75 feet
Distance ascended: 12.7 feet

To find the current depth, we subtract the distance ascended from the initial depth:

-75 feet - 12.7 feet = -87.7 feet

Therefore, the current depth of the scuba diver is -87.7 feet.