Applications of adding rational numbers practice a scuba diver is 75 feet below sea level she Dennisons 12.7 feet. What is the current debt of the scuba diver?

To find the current depth of the scuba diver, we need to add the depth below sea level (75 feet) and the descent of Denison (12.7 feet).

75 + 12.7 = <<75+12.7=87.7>>87.7 feet

Therefore, the current depth of the scuba diver is 87.7 feet.

To find the current depth of the scuba diver, we need to add the scuba diver's depth below sea level to the depth of the water column. Let's calculate:

Depth below sea level = -75 feet (negative because it's below sea level)
Depth of water column = 12.7 feet

To add these two numbers, we simply add the absolute values and assign the sign of the larger number:

|-75| + 12.7 = 75 + 12.7 = 87.7 feet

Since the depth below sea level is negative, the current depth of the scuba diver is -87.7 feet.