In three to five short sentences, explain why animal cells do not require a cell wall or a central vacuole for their functions.

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they have a flexible plasma membrane that allows for cell movement and shape changes. Additionally, animal cells do not need a central vacuole because they have many smaller vacuoles scattered throughout the cytoplasm that serve various functions such as storage, waste disposal, and maintaining osmotic balance. Animal cells rely on other structural components and organelles, such as the cytoskeleton and mitochondria, to carry out their functions effectively.

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they do not need the structural support that it provides in plant cells. Animal cells rely on their flexible cell membrane to maintain their shape. Similarly, animal cells do not need a central vacuole because they do not require the large storage capacity and regulatory functions that it serves in plant cells. Animal cells instead use smaller vacuoles and other organelles for storage and waste management.