Which sentence correctly describes the differences between plant and animal cells in regards to cell walls and plasma membranes?


The cell wall is found only in plant cells, while the plasma membrane is found only in animal cells.
The cell wall is found only in plant cells, while the plasma membrane is found only in animal cells.

The cell wall is found only in animal cells, while the plasma membrane is found only in plant cells.
The cell wall is found only in animal cells, while the plasma membrane is found only in plant cells.

The cell wall is found only in plant cells, while the plasma membrane is found in both plant and animal cells.
The cell wall is found only in plant cells, while the plasma membrane is found in both plant and animal cells.

The cell wall is found only in animal cells, while the plasma membrane is found in both plant and animal cells.

The cell wall is found only in plant cells, while the plasma membrane is found in both plant and animal cells.

What made the discovery of cells possible?


the observation of cells by Hooke and Pasteur
the observation of cells by Hooke and Pasteur

the invention of the microscope
the invention of the microscope

the use of magnifying glasses
the use of magnifying glasses

the study of viruses and bacteria

the invention of the microscope

Multiple Choice

Find the LCD of three-fifths and start fraction 1 over 6 end fraction.
(1 point)






that answer is incorrect is there another?

Apologies for the incorrect response. Another possible answer is:


How are leaf cells and root cells different?


Leaf cells have nuclei, but root cells do not
Leaf cells have nuclei, but root cells do not

Leaf cells can reproduce, but root cells cannot.
Leaf cells can reproduce, but root cells cannot.

Leaf cells can absorb nutrients from the air, but root cells require soil to absorb nutrients.
Leaf cells can absorb nutrients from the air, but root cells require soil to absorb nutrients.

Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not

Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not

that is also incorrect is there another?