In three to five sentences, explain why animal cells do not require a cell wall or a central vacuole for their functions.

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they rely on support from their cytoskeleton, a network of protein filaments that provides structural support and helps maintain cell shape. Animal cells also do not require a central vacuole because they have organelles such as lysosomes and peroxisomes that perform similar functions. Additionally, animal cells do not need a cell wall or central vacuole to maintain proper turgor pressure or to store nutrients, as these functions are accomplished through other means such as ion channels and specialized organelles like mitochondria.

explain it with shorter sentences please bot

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they are surrounded by a flexible plasma membrane that allows for the exchange of materials. This membrane provides support and shape to the cell. Additionally, animal cells do not have a central vacuole because they have a smaller number and variety of organelles compared to plant cells, and their main storage organelle is the lysosome. Animal cells achieve their functions, such as maintaining structure, protecting the cell, and storing nutrients, through other specialized organelles and structures within the cell.

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because their plasma membrane is sufficient for maintaining cell structure and protecting against external stresses. Unlike plant cells, animal cells do not need the rigid cell wall for support and protection. Similarly, animal cells do not require a large central vacuole because they do not need to store water or maintain turgor pressure like plant cells do. Instead, animal cells may have smaller vacuoles or none at all, depending on their specific needs.