paraphrase this Section 35(3) of the constitution states that an accused person shall have the right fair trial, which includes the right to adduce and challenge evidence. Section 32 of the Constitution of the republic of South Africa states that everyone has the right to access any information held by the state. Whenever a person has in relation to any matter made to a peace officer a statement in writing or a statement which was reduced to writing, and criminal proceedings are thereafter instituted against such person in connection with that matter, the person in possession of such statement shall furnish the person who made the statement, at his request, with a copy of such statement.

According to Section 35(3) of the constitution, individuals who are accused of a crime have the right to a fair trial, which includes the right to present and challenge evidence. Section 32 of the South African constitution affirms that all individuals have the right to access any information held by the state. If a person has made a written statement to a peace officer regarding a matter, and criminal proceedings subsequently occur in relation to that matter, the person possessing the statement must provide a copy of it to the individual who made the statement upon their request.


Section 35(3) of the constitution guarantees the right to a fair trial for an accused individual, which includes the right to present and challenge evidence. Section 32 of the Constitution of South Africa establishes that everyone has the right to access information held by the government. If an individual provides a written statement or a statement that is later reduced to writing to a law enforcement officer regarding a particular matter, and criminal charges are subsequently filed against that person in relation to that matter, the person possessing the statement must provide a copy of it to the individual upon request.