Multiply four by -4/8 write the answer as a mixed number in simplest form step-by-step

To multiply 4 by -4/8, you need to multiply the numerators and denominators separately.

Step 1: Multiply the numerators (4 × -4 = -16).

Step 2: Multiply the denominators (1 × 8 = 8).

Step 3: Write the answer as a fraction using the result from Step 1 as the numerator and the result from Step 2 as the denominator: -16/8.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction. Both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 8. When you divide -16 by 8, you get -2, and when you divide 8 by 8, you get 1.

Step 5: Write the answer as a mixed number. -2/1 can be written as -2.

Therefore, the answer, written as a mixed number in simplest form, is -2.

To multiply four by -4/8 and write the answer as a mixed number in simplest form, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the fraction -4/8:
- The greatest common divisor of -4 and 8 is 4.
- Divide both the numerator and denominator by 4:
-4 ÷ 4 = -1, and 8 ÷ 4 = 2.
So, -4/8 simplifies to -1/2.

Step 2: Multiply four by -1/2:
- Multiply the whole number (4) by the numerator (-1):
4 × (-1) = -4
- Write the result (-4) over the denominator (2).
Therefore, four multiplied by -1/2 equals -4/2.

Step 3: Simplify -4/2 as a mixed number in simplest form:
- The whole number part is the result of dividing the numerator (-4) by the denominator (2):
-4 ÷ 2 = -2
- The remaining fraction is obtained by taking the absolute value of the numerator (-4) and writing it over the denominator (2):
|-4| = 4
So, the remaining fraction is 4/2.

Putting it all together, the answer is -2 4/2.