Multiply 4/5 times 13/8 . Write the answer in simplest form and convert it to a mixed number.

To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

So, the result of multiplying 4/5 and 13/8 is (4*13)/(5*8) = 52/40.

To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4.

52/40 simplifies to (52/4)/(40/4) = 13/10.

To convert this fraction to a mixed number, you divide the numerator (13) by the denominator (10). The quotient becomes the whole number part, and the remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction part.

So, 13 divided by 10 is 1 remainder 3. Therefore, the answer in mixed number form is 1 3/10.