Multiply 4 by −5/8. Write the answer as a mixed number in simplest form.(1 point)



Multiply 6.5 by 0.3. Write the answer as a decimal.(1 point)

Multiply −19.3 by 6.(1 point)


Multiply −2 1/2 by −1 3/5. Write the answer as a decimal.

To multiply -2 1/2 by -1 3/5, we need to convert both mixed numbers into improper fractions.

-2 1/2 = -5/2
-1 3/5 = -8/5

Now, we can multiply the fractions:

(-5/2) * (-8/5) = 40/10 = 4

So, the answer as a decimal is 4.

Multiply 6.5 by 0.3. Write the answer as a decimal.

To multiply 4 by -5/8, you simply multiply the whole number 4 by the numerator -5 and keep the denominator 8 the same.

Step 1: Multiply the whole number by the numerator: 4 * (-5) = -20.
Step 2: Write the result as a fraction: -20/8.
Step 3: Simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, which is 4. Divide both the numerator and denominator by 4.
-20 ÷ 4 / 8 ÷ 4 = -5/2.
Step 4: Convert the improper fraction -5/2 to a mixed number.
Divide the numerator (-5) by the denominator (2): -5 ÷ 2 = -2 remainder 1.
Write the mixed number as follows: -2 and 1/2.

Therefore, 4 multiplied by -5/8 is equal to -2 1/2 in simplest form.