which of the following secondary sex characteristics do not develop during the teen years?

a. development of breasts in girls
b. development of acne in boys
c. development of body hair in boys
d. development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys

d. development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys

The secondary sex characteristic that does not develop during the teen years is the development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys. These reproductive organs typically develop during fetal development before birth, rather than during adolescence.

To determine which of the secondary sex characteristics do not develop during the teen years, we need to understand what secondary sex characteristics are and when they typically appear.

Secondary sex characteristics are physical characteristics that develop during puberty and differ between males and females. They are not directly involved in reproduction, unlike the primary sex characteristics (ovaries and testes).

Let's analyze each option:

a. Development of breasts in girls: This is a secondary sex characteristic that typically develops during the teen years in girls when they hit puberty. The mammary glands enlarge and cause breast development.

b. Development of acne in boys: Acne is not a secondary sex characteristic, but rather a skin condition that can affect individuals of any age, including teenagers. It is associated with hormonal changes during puberty, but it is not specifically tied to secondary sex characteristics.

c. Development of body hair in boys: Growth of body hair, including facial hair and pubic hair, is indeed a secondary sex characteristic that usually develops during the teenage years in boys. It occurs due to the influence of androgens, such as testosterone.

d. Development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys: Ovaries and testes are primary sex characteristics and are present at birth. They do not develop or change significantly during the teenage years.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is option d. Development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys do not occur during the teen years, as they are already present from birth.