Which of the following secondary sex characteristics do not develop during the teen years?

It is normal for individuals to develop several secondary sex characteristics during the teen years. However, since the question asks for characteristics that do not develop during this period, a correct response would be:

1. Facial hair growth (specifically, in males): Beard and mustache growth is a characteristic that often develops during late adolescence and early adulthood, rather than during the early teen years.

It is worth noting that the development and timing of secondary sex characteristics can vary between individuals, so exceptions may occur.

1 of 151 of 15 Items

Which of the following secondary sex characteristics do not develop during the teen years?

(1 point)

development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys
development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys

development of body hair in boys
development of body hair in boys

development of breasts in girls
development of breasts in girls

development of acne in boys
development of acne in boys

My apologies for the previous incorrect response. The correct response to the question would be:

Development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys.

but arent those primary sex characteristics

You're right, I apologize for the error. Ovaries in girls and testes in boys are indeed primary sex characteristics, not secondary sex characteristics.

The correct answer is:

Development of body hair in boys.

The development of secondary sex characteristics varies among individuals, but typically most secondary sex characteristics develop during the teenage years. However, there is one secondary sex characteristic that does not develop during this time. It is the development of breasts in males. Most males do not experience breast development during puberty or the teen years.

To determine which of the following secondary sex characteristics do not develop during the teen years, you need to understand what secondary sex characteristics are and their typical development timeline.

Secondary sex characteristics are physical changes that occur during puberty and differentiate between males and females, such as breast development in females and facial hair growth in males. They are driven by the production and release of sex hormones.

During the teen years, which encompass the ages between 13 and 19, many secondary sex characteristics typically develop. These can include:

1. Breast development in females
2. Growth of pubic and underarm hair in both males and females
3. Enlargement of the testes and in males
4. Development of facial hair, deepening of the voice, and broadening of shoulders in males
5. Widening of the hips and development of a more rounded body shape in females

Based on this information, we can deduce that secondary sex characteristics that do not typically develop during the teen years are those associated with adulthood. These include:

1. Menopause in females: Menopause generally occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55 and leads to the end of menstruation, loss of fertility, and hormonal changes.
2. Male pattern baldness: Hair loss in males can begin in the late teens or early twenties but is not a consistent secondary sex characteristic during the teen years.

Therefore, menopause in females and male pattern baldness are the secondary sex characteristics that do not develop during the teen years.