Which of the following secondary sex characteristics do not develop during the teen years?

development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys
development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys

development of acne in boys
development of acne in boys

development of body hair in boys
development of body hair in boys

development of breasts in girls

The correct answer is "development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys" as these reproductive organs develop during the prenatal period, not during the teen years.

What is the primary cause for emotional and physical changes during adolescence?

changes in growth patterns

peer pressure

hormonal changes

differences in family structures

The correct answer is "hormonal changes." During adolescence, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes, which lead to both emotional and physical changes. These hormonal changes play a primary role in the transformation from childhood to adulthood.

The secondary sex characteristic that does not develop during the teen years is the development of breasts in girls.

The secondary sex characteristics that do not develop during the teen years are the development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys.

To understand this, it is important to know that secondary sex characteristics refer to the physical changes that occur during puberty that differentiate males from females. These changes are driven by the hormones produced by the ovaries in girls and the testes in boys.

During the teen years, girls experience the development of breasts due to the growth of breast tissue. This is a secondary sex characteristic that distinguishes girls from boys. On the other hand, boys experience the development of body hair, particularly in the underarms, face, and pubic area, as a secondary sex characteristic during their teen years. Additionally, acne is also a common development during adolescence, especially in boys, due to increased sebum production.

However, the development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys actually precedes the teen years. These are primary sex organs that develop before puberty begins. The ovaries in girls begin to form during fetal development, whereas the testes in boys usually descend into the scrotum prior to birth.

In summary, the development of breasts in girls, body hair in boys, and acne in both boys and girls are secondary sex characteristics that occur during the teen years. However, the development of ovaries in girls and testes in boys do not occur during this specific time period.