The French Dutch in English colonies quiz the mound builders primarily lived in what region select all it apply region a region b regency region d region d

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide specific answers or choices for a quiz or test. However, I can provide information to help you answer the question.

The Mound Builders were prehistoric Native American societies who constructed various earthworks, including mounds and enclosures, across different regions of North America. They inhabited a vast area spanning from the Great Lakes region to the Gulf Coast and from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question of which region the Mound Builders primarily lived in would depend on the specific regions given as options in your quiz. Without the options, it is not possible to determine which ones are correct.

The question seems to be asking about the region in which the French Dutch settles in English colonies, and then about the region where the mound builders primarily lived. However, there seems to be some confusion in the options provided (regency and region d are repeated). Therefore, I will provide information on both topics separately.

1. The French Dutch in English colonies:
The French Dutch primarily settled in the region known as New Netherland, which included parts of present-day New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut.

2. The region where the mound builders primarily lived:
The mound builders were prehistoric indigenous peoples who constructed earthen mounds across various regions in North America. They were present primarily in regions such as the Midwest, including modern-day states like Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, as well as parts of the Southeast, including present-day Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

In summary:
- The French Dutch settled primarily in the region of New Netherland.
- The mound builders primarily lived in the Midwest and Southeast regions of North America.