Drag and drop the descriptions below to the correct colony. Select 2 responses per colonial region.

(6 points)
New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies

plantation system
dutch settle new netherlands
Pilgrims and puritans: escaping religious persecution
Quakers and William Penn
The rocky soil is not good for farming
Rice, indigo, and cotton

New England Colonies:

1. Pilgrims and puritans: escaping religious persecution
2. The rocky soil is not good for farming

Middle Colonies:
1. Dutch settle New Netherlands
2. Quakers and William Penn

Southern Colonies:
1. Plantation system
2. Rice, indigo, and cotton

New England Colonies:

- Pilgrims and puritans: escaping religious persecution
- The rocky soil is not good for farming

Middle Colonies:
- Dutch settle New Netherlands
- Quakers and William Penn

Southern Colonies:
- Plantation system
- Rice, indigo, and cotton

To correctly categorize the descriptions into their respective colonial regions, follow these steps:

1. Identify the descriptions related to the New England Colonies. These colonies were primarily located in the northeastern part of present-day United States and were established by groups seeking religious freedom and escaping religious persecution.

- Pilgrims and puritans: escaping religious persecution

2. Identify the descriptions related to the Middle Colonies. These colonies were located in the middle region of present-day United States and were characterized by cultural diversity and agricultural prosperity.

- Dutch settle New Netherland
- Quakers and William Penn

3. Identify the descriptions related to the Southern Colonies. These colonies were located in the southern part of present-day United States and were primarily characterized by large-scale agricultural plantations.

- Plantation system
- Rice, indigo, and cotton

Based on these explanations, you can now correctly drag and drop the descriptions into their respective colonial regions:

New England Colonies:
- Pilgrims and puritans: escaping religious persecution

Middle Colonies:
- Dutch settle New Netherland
- Quakers and William Penn

Southern Colonies:
- Plantation system
- Rice, indigo, and cotton