The Mound Builders primarily lived in what regions? Select all that apply.

Region A
• Region B
• Region C
• Region D
• Region E

C and D

What was a common theme shared by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations?

(1 point)

They traded fur with the Dutch and French.
They traded fur with the Dutch and French.

They were both interested in astronomy.
They were both interested in astronomy.

They shared similar marriage customs.
They shared similar marriage customs.

They were nomadic and traveled in clans.

To determine the regions where the Mound Builders primarily lived, I would need more specific information. The Mound Builders were prehistoric Native American groups that constructed earthworks and mounds in various parts of North America. Please provide more details or specify the specific tribes or cultures within the Mound Builder society to accurately answer your question.

To find the answer to this question, you can refer to historical sources or textbooks that discuss the Mound Builders. You can also conduct an online search using reliable sources. This information can help you identify the regions where the Mound Builders primarily lived.

Without access to specific historical sources, I cannot provide you with a definitive answer. The Mound Builders were ancient Native American cultures that built earthen mounds in different regions of North America. Their settlements were found in various areas, including the present-day states of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the southeastern United States.

To answer this question, you should refer to a reliable historical source or conduct further research with specific information about the Mound Builders' primary regions.