In three to five sentences, explain why animal cells do not require a cell wall or a central vacuole for their functions.(4 points

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they have a flexible plasma membrane that provides support and structural integrity. This allows animal cells to be more dynamic and adaptable compared to plant cells. Additionally, the absence of a central vacuole in animal cells is because they do not perform functions like storage of water, nutrients, and waste. Instead, animal cells have multiple smaller vacuoles that serve specific functions such as storage of ions or enzymes.

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they have a flexible plasma membrane that allows them to change shape and move. The absence of a cell wall also allows for cell-to-cell communication and allows the cell to interact with its environment. Animal cells do not require a central vacuole because they obtain nutrients and remove waste through other organelles such as the mitochondria and lysosomes. The absence of a central vacuole also allows animal cells to have specialized organelles like the centrioles, which are involved in cell division.