Use the additive inverse to find −24 4/5 − 6 7/10

To find the additive inverse of a number, we simply change the sign of the number.

The additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5

The additive inverse of -6 7/10 is 6 7/10

So, -24 4/5 - 6 7/10 can be rewritten as:

(24 4/5) + (6 7/10)

Use the additive inverse to find −24 4/5 − 6 7/10

To find the additive inverse of a number, we simply change the sign of the number.

The additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5

The additive inverse of -6 7/10 is 6 7/10

So, -24 4/5 - 6 7/10 can be rewritten as:

(-24 4/5) + (-6 7/10)

what is 24 4/5 - (-6 7/10)

To subtract a negative number, we can rewrite it as addition and change the sign of the number.

So, -6 7/10 can be rewritten as +6 7/10

Now we can subtract:

24 4/5 - (+6 7/10)

To subtract mixed numbers, we need to have the same denominator.

The common denominator of 5 and 10 is 10.

Rewriting 24 4/5 as an improper fraction:

24 4/5 = (24 * 5 + 4)/5 = 124/5

Rewriting 6 7/10 as an improper fraction:

6 7/10 = (6 * 10 + 7)/10 = 67/10

Now, we have:

124/5 - 67/10

To subtract the fractions, we need to have the same denominator.

The common denominator of 5 and 10 is 10.

Rewriting 124/5 with a denominator of 10:

124/5 = (124 * 2)/10 = 248/10

Now, we have:

248/10 - 67/10

Subtracting the fractions:

(248 - 67)/10 = 181/10

Therefore, 24 4/5 - (-6 7/10) = 181/10 or 18 1/10.

To find the sum using the additive inverse, we'll first find the additive inverse of each given number and then add them together.

The additive inverse of a number is the number that when added to the original number results in zero. For example, the additive inverse of 5 is -5, because 5 + (-5) = 0.

-24 4/5
-6 7/10

Additive inverse of -24 4/5:
To find the additive inverse of -24 4/5, we change its sign and keep the same value. So the additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5.

Additive inverse of -6 7/10:
Similarly, to find the additive inverse of -6 7/10, we change its sign and keep the same value. So the additive inverse of -6 7/10 is 6 7/10.

Now we can add the additive inverses together:
24 4/5 + 6 7/10

To add these fractions and mixed numbers, we need to have the same denominators.

First, let's convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

24 4/5 can be written as (24 * 5 + 4) / 5 = 124/5
6 7/10 can be written as (6 * 10 + 7) / 10 = 67/10

Now we can add the fractions:
124/5 + 67/10

To add these fractions, we need the same denominators, which in this case is 5 * 2 = 10.

124/5 can be written as (124 * 2) / (5 * 2) = 248/10

Now we can add:
248/10 + 67/10 = (248 + 67) / 10 = 315/10

Finally, we can simplify the fraction 315/10. Since both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 5, we can divide them by 5:

315/10 = (315/5) / (10/5) = 63/2

Therefore, the sum of -24 4/5 and -6 7/10 using the additive inverse is 63/2.

To find the additive inverse of a number, you need to change its sign.

In this case, you have two numbers: -24 4/5 and -6 7/10. To find their additive inverse, you change their signs.

The additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5. To calculate this, you simply change the '-' sign to '+'.

The additive inverse of -6 7/10 is 6 7/10. Again, you change the '-' sign to '+'.

So, using the additive inverse, -24 4/5 - 6 7/10 becomes 24 4/5 + 6 7/10.

To add these two mixed numbers, you need to convert them into improper fractions and find a common denominator.

-24 4/5 = - (24 * 5 + 4) / 5 = - (124/5)
-6 7/10 = - (6 * 10 + 7) / 10 = - (67/10)

Now, we find a common denominator, which is 10.

- (124/5) * (2/2) = - (124 * 2) / (5 * 2) = - (248/10)
- (67/10)

Now, add the two fractions:
- (248/10) + (-67/10) = - (248 - 67) / 10 = - (181/10)

Therefore, the result is -181/10 or -18 1/10.