Use the additive inverse to find 8.76-26.54.

The additive inverse of a number is the number that, when added to the original number, gives a sum of zero. To find the additive inverse of a number, we simply change the sign of the number.

So, the additive inverse of 26.54 is -26.54, and the additive inverse of 8.76 is -8.76.

Therefore, to find 8.76 - 26.54, we can change the subtraction to addition and use the additive inverse:

8.76 + (-26.54) = -17.78

So, 8.76 - 26.54 is equal to -17.78.

Use the additive inverse to find -12 2/3-(8 5 5/6). Write the answer as a mixed number.

To find the additive inverse of a mixed number, we change the sign of both the whole number part and the fractional part.

The whole number part of -12 2/3 is -12.
The fractional part of -12 2/3 is 2/3.

So, the additive inverse of -12 2/3 is 12 2/3.

Now, we can change the subtraction to addition and use the additive inverse:

-12 2/3 + (8 5 5/6)

Now, we can proceed to add the two mixed numbers:

-12 + 8 = -4

2/3 + 5 5/6 can be converted to a common denominator of 6 (the denominator of the fraction part) to simplify the addition:

2/3 + 5 5/6 = 2/3 + 35/6

To combine these fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which is 6:

2/3 + 35/6 = (2*2)/(3*2) + 35/6 = 4/6 + 35/6 = 39/6

Now, we can rewrite the answer as a mixed number by dividing the numerator (39) by the denominator (6):

39 ÷ 6 = 6 (with a remainder of 3)

So, the mixed number representation of 39/6 is 6 3/6, which can be simplified to 6 1/2.

Therefore, -12 2/3 - (8 5 5/6) = -4 + 6 1/2 = 2 1/2.


Apologies for the error.

To find the additive inverse of -12 2/3, we change the sign of the whole number part and the fractional part:

Additive inverse of -12 2/3 is 12 2/3.

Now, change the subtraction to addition and use the additive inverse:

-12 2/3 + (8 5 5/6)

Now, we can proceed to add the two mixed numbers:

-12 + 8 = -4

2/3 + 5 5/6 can be simplified by finding a common denominator, which is 6:

2/3 + 5 5/6 = 4/6 + 35/6 = (4+35)/6 = 39/6

Now, we can rewrite the answer as a mixed number by dividing the numerator (39) by the denominator (6):

39 ÷ 6 = 6 (remainder 3)

So, the mixed number representation of 39/6 is 6 3/6, which can be simplified to 6 1/2.

Therefore, -12 2/3 - (8 5 5/6) = -4 + 6 1/2 = (6 1/2) - 4 = 2 1/2.

wrong tell me the real answer

Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the expression.

To find -12 2/3 - (8 5 5/6), we can rewrite the mixed numbers as improper fractions:

-12 2/3 = -38/3
8 5 5/6 = 53/6

So, the expression becomes:

-38/3 - 53/6

We need to find a common denominator to simplify the subtraction:

The common denominator of 3 and 6 is 6.

Now, let's rewrite the expression with the common denominator:

-38/3 - 53/6 = -76/6 - 53/6

Now, we can simplify the expression:

-76/6 - 53/6 = (-76 - 53)/6 = -129/6

To write the answer as a mixed number, we can divide the numerator (129) by the denominator (6):

129 ÷ 6 = 21 remainder 3

So, the mixed number representation is:

-129/6 = -21 3/6

Since 3/6 can be simplified to 1/2, we have:

-21 1/2

Therefore, -12 2/3 - (8 5 5/6) = -21 1/2.