On Saturday morning the temperature was 76°F. The temperature dropped 9°F and then rose 13°F. How much does the temperature need to rise or fall to return to the initial temperature of 76°F?(1 point)

The temperature dropped 9°F and then rose 13°F, so the net change in temperature is 13°F - 9°F = <<13-9=4>>4°F.

To return to the initial temperature of 76°F, the temperature needs to fall by 4°F.

What is the distance between -23 and 9 on a number line?(1 point)

To find the distance between -23 and 9 on a number line, we can subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

Distance = |9 - (-23)| = |9 + 23| = |32| = 32

So, the distance between -23 and 9 on a number line is 32.


(1 point)

To simplify the expression −27−(−6), we can use the property of subtracting a negative number, which is equivalent to adding the positive number.

−27−(−6) = -27 + 6 = -21

Therefore, −27−(−6) simplifies to -21.


(1 point)

To simplify the expression 13−(−19), we can use the property of subtracting a negative number, which is equivalent to adding the positive number.

13−(−19) = 13 + 19 = 32

Therefore, 13−(−19) simplifies to 32.


(1 point)

To simplify the expression 20+(−30), we can add the two numbers.

20 + (−30) = -10

Therefore, 20+(−30) simplifies to -10.

I. You gain 5 pounds.

II. You set your clock 5 hours ahead.

III. You use 5 gallons of gas.

The integer -5 would BEST represent which of these events?