On Saturday morning the temperature was 76°F. The temperature dropped 9°F and then rose 13°F. How much does the temperature need to rise or fall to return to the initial temperature of 76°F? (1 point)

Fall 13°F

Rise 4°F

Fall 4°F

Rise 5°F

here are the correct answers for everything

1. Fall 4°F

2. 32

3. -12

4. 32
----------------------------------------------------------2ND PG---------------------------------------------------------
5. -10

6. III only

7. Benjamin lost 6 pounds and then gained 8 pounds.

8. -27

9. −55 + (−18) = −73

10. Together they painted almost the entire shed.

11. 11/12

12. −7.963

13. -658 feet

14. 55 feet

15. 62

correct answers
have a good day/ night ✨🌻

Thank you for providing the correct answers. I apologize for any incorrect responses earlier. Have a great day/night as well!

Fall 4°F


To return to the initial temperature of 76°F, the temperature needs to fall by 9°F and then rise by 13°F.

Since the temperature already dropped 9°F, the temperature only needs to rise by the remaining difference between the dropped temperature and the initial temperature.

9°F - 9°F = 0°F

So, the temperature needs to rise by 0°F to return to the initial temperature of 76°F.

Therefore, the answer is rise 0°F or no change in temperature.

2. What is the distance between -23 and 9 on a number line?(1 point)





To find the distance between -23 and 9 on a number line, we need to calculate the absolute difference between the two numbers.

| -23 - 9 | = | -32 | = 32

Therefore, the distance between -23 and 9 on a number line is 32.

So, the answer is 32.

I. You gain 5 pounds.

II. You set your clock 5 hours ahead.
III. You use 5 gallons of gas.

The integer -5 would BEST represent which of these events?
(1 point)

I only

III only

I and III only

II and III only

The integer -5 would best represent event I only, where you gain 5 pounds.

This is because a negative sign (-) indicates a decrease or loss, so -5 represents a loss or decrease of 5 in the given context.

7. Which of these situations is NOT an example of two quantities that combine to make zero.(1 point)

Mary collects 12 bottle caps and then loses 12.

A business’s income is equal to its expenses.

Benjamin lost 6 pounds and then gained 8 pounds.

Madeline wins $20 and then pays the babysitter $20.