If the temperature at 7:00 am was - 7 °C and the temperature rose 8°C during morning, what was the temperature by noon?

-7+8 = +1

If the temperature was – 7° Fahrenheit at 6 a.m., and it rose 4 degrees by 7 a.m and then

rose another 7 degrees in the hour from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., what was the temperature at 8 a.m.?

Yesterday the temperature was -7°C. Today it is 8°C. In degrees Celsius, what is the change in temperature?

-7+8 = +1

nvm it 15

Yesterday the temperature was -7°C. Today it is 8°C. In degrees Celsius, what is the change in temperature?

-7+8 = +1

The change in temperature is 15°C (8°C minus -7°C).