n Saturday morning the temperature was 76°F. The temperature dropped 9°F and then rose 13°F. How much does the temperature need to rise or fall to return to the initial temperature of 76°F?(1 point)


Fall 13°F

Rise 4°F

Fall 4°F

Rise 5°F

Fall 4°F

To find out how much the temperature needs to rise or fall to return to the initial temperature of 76°F, we need to subtract the total temperature drop from the initial temperature and then add the total temperature rise.

The initial temperature was 76°F.

The temperature dropped 9°F, so subtract 9°F from 76°F:

76°F - 9°F = 67°F

The temperature then rose 13°F, so add 13°F to 67°F:

67°F + 13°F = 80°F

So, the temperature needs to rise 4°F to return to the initial temperature of 76°F.

Hence, the answer is: Rise 4°F.