If you do not reference your sources correctly in an assignment, you will lose marks because: Select all the options that apply:  

There is no assurance that your claims are supported by valid and credible research.  

Your assignment will be too short without a reference list.   

You are committing plagiarism because your sources are not properly acknowledged.  

It will not be possible for readers to locate the sources you have used.      

There is no assurance that your claims are supported by valid and credible research.

You are committing plagiarism because your sources are not properly acknowledged.
It will not be possible for readers to locate the sources you have used.

The correct options that apply are:

- There is no assurance that your claims are supported by valid and credible research.
- You are committing plagiarism because your sources are not properly acknowledged.
- It will not be possible for readers to locate the sources you have used.