What did the philosophers of the Enlightenment seek to understand?

the natural rights behind religion’s continued power
the natural rights governing human behavior and society
the natural rights that gave leaders absolute power
the natural rights that governed the physical universe

The philosophers of the Enlightenment sought to understand the natural rights governing human behavior and society. They were interested in exploring concepts such as reason, individual liberty, equality, and the social contract, and aimed to promote progress, tolerance, and the improvement of society through the application of reason and knowledge.

The philosophers of the Enlightenment sought to understand the natural rights governing human behavior and society. They were interested in studying and exploring principles such as individual liberty, equality, reason, and social progress. These thinkers believed that by understanding and applying these natural rights, they could create a more just and enlightened society. They also sought to challenge and question traditional authorities, including religious and political institutions, in order to promote rational thought and advance human knowledge and well-being.