How did Enlightenment thinkers such as Diderot and Voltaire challenge religious structures?(1 point)


Diderot and Voltaire believed that religion explained all natural phenomena
Diderot and Voltaire believed that religion explained all natural phenomena

Diderot and Voltaire used reasoning rather than religion to explain the natural world.
Diderot and Voltaire used reasoning rather than religion to explain the natural world.

Diderot believed that freedom of religion would cause problems within the state.
Diderot believed that freedom of religion would cause problems within the state.

Voltaire believed that each state should only have one religion, but Diderot disagreed.

Voltaire believed that each state should only have one religion, but Diderot disagreed.

Diderot and Voltaire challenged religious structures by using reasoning rather than religion to explain the natural world. They believed that religion did not provide a sufficient explanation for natural phenomena and that rationality and scientific observation were more reliable ways of understanding the world. Additionally, Diderot believed that freedom of religion could create issues within the state, while Voltaire advocated for each state to have only one religion, a view which Diderot did not share.