Use the given​ equivalents, along with dimensional​ analysis, to convert the given unit to the unit indicated.

26 oz to g

Given equivalences:

1 oz = 28.35 g

To convert 26 oz to g:

26 oz x (28.35 g/1 oz) = 736.1 g

Therefore, 26 oz is equivalent to 736.1 g.

To convert 26 oz to grams (g), we need to use the equivalence given.

1 oz is equal to 28.35 grams (g).

We can set up the conversion using dimensional analysis:

26 oz * (28.35 g / 1 oz)

The ounces unit cancels out, leaving us with grams:

(26 * 28.35) g

Calculating this, we find that 26 oz is equal to 737.1 grams (g).