If 1 mile = 5280 feet, use dimensional analysis to convert 7.2 mi to ft.

To convert 7.2 miles to feet using dimensional analysis, we can set up the conversion factor as follows:

1 mile = 5280 feet

Now, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 7.2 to convert the miles to feet.

(7.2 miles) x (5280 feet/mile) = (7.2 x 5280) feet

Calculating this, we have:

(7.2 x 5280) feet = 37,760 feet

Therefore, 7.2 miles is equal to 37,760 feet.

To convert 7.2 miles to feet using dimensional analysis, we can set up a conversion factor using the given conversion:

1 mile = 5280 feet

To cancel out the "miles" unit, we want to multiply by a conversion factor that has "miles" in the denominator. This will allow the "miles" to cancel out, leaving us with only "feet".

So, the conversion factor will be:

(5280 feet / 1 mile)

To convert 7.2 miles to feet, we can multiply by the conversion factor:

7.2 miles * (5280 feet / 1 mile)

Let's calculate this:

7.2 miles * (5280 feet / 1 mile) = 7.2 * 5280 feet

Calculating this further, we get:

7.2 * 5280 = 38016 feet

Therefore, 7.2 miles is equal to 38,016 feet.