Use the​ table, along with dimensional​ analysis, to convert the given unit to the unit indicated.

35,000ft^3 to gal

1 ft^3 = 7.48052 gal

35,000 ft^3 * (7.48052 gal/1 ft^3) = 262,417.2 gal

Therefore, 35,000 ft^3 is equal to 262,417.2 gal.

To convert 35,000 ft^3 to gallons (gal), we can use dimensional analysis. We'll set up a conversion factor using the following equivalence:

1 ft^3 = 7.48052 gallons

To find the conversion, we'll multiply the given value by the conversion factor:

35,000 ft^3 * (7.48052 gal / 1 ft^3)

Now we can cancel out the ft^3 unit:

= 35,000 * 7.48052 gal

Calculating the expression:

= 261,218 gal

Therefore, 35,000 ft^3 is equal to 261,218 gallons.