A salesman worked on a weekly salary of $800. To this was added a commission of 5% on all sales over $500. If his sales for one week were $750, his total salary for the week was:

The salesman's sales only totaled $750, which is below the threshold of $500 for commission. Therefore, he only earns his weekly salary of $800.

Total salary = $800

To calculate the total salary for the week, we need to determine the commission earned on sales over $500 and add it to the weekly salary.

Step 1: Calculate the commission earned on sales over $500:
Commission = (Sales - $500) * 0.05
Commission = ($750 - $500) * 0.05
Commission = $250 * 0.05
Commission = $12.50

Step 2: Add the commission to the weekly salary:
Total salary = Weekly salary + Commission
Total salary = $800 + $12.50
Total salary = $812.50

Therefore, the salesman's total salary for the week is $812.50.